New Zealand flag info found here. The flag is pretty much close to actual scale which was the hard part of the design though google helped alot. This project could easily be made with a jigsaw and maybe a copping saw for the stars. (though it does depend on the flag you are making. It is made out of pallet wood scraps.
Tools Used
Table Saw
Mitre Saw
If you don’t have a thicknesser try to get your pieces the same thickness, though this not 100% necessary it will make things easier to line up. Once you have this the cut into different random width strips on the table saw and different random lengths on the mitre saw. With a pencil mark the bottom of the cut piece so you can easily work out which way it fits.

This is a good way to get rid of some of your scraps

Nighthawk doing some satan worship … wait what?… no….some 5 pointed stars.
Err that Diameter / Pi / 5 that’s what it is. I need four of them to make the Southern Cross. I just used some off cut scrap ply.

Cut the stars out on Bandsaw… Scrollsaw, Jigsaw, or even a copping saw.
Place background randomly different height, and length and then add the stars…see it was a stars…?

Find ply for union jack and a piece of backing board I used hardboard.

Place the stars

Stars and start of the Union Jack… but something not right with the Jack???

I do the Union Jack this way, that will work better… all ready for gluing. I changed to hardboard for the Jack back ground and ply for the details. Whilst I ended up painting it the offical colours just incase I decided not to this way would have look better. (when making it I hadn’t decided to paint)

Starting to glue up the Union Jack.

Union Jack glued… and now the glue up process of the 3d layers of flag.

All glued up drying ready for either painting and or stan and lacquer

Stars painted white and then taped off and painted red.

The whole thing had a couple of coats of white and then then blue on the bulk of the flag. Now starting the union jack which is going to take a bit of time.

Flag painted with the semi rustic look.

Due to the weight of the final project I decided to hang on the wall via the french cleat.

Due to the weight of the final project I decided to hang on the wall via the french cleat.

Due to the weight of the final project I decided to hang on the wall via the french cleat.