- Old freestanding pantry cupboard. Since we removed the old free standing cupboard unit and turned it into a wardrobe in the bedroom
- Empty it and store items in bins…
- leaves the fridge and freezer
- Minor alterations to turn it in to a wardrobe
- Now a wardrobe in bedroom
- Remove old Gibb… oh and smile
- Remove old Gibb
- Cut the MDF…(only just have enough room) 3.6m x 1.2m
- Robbie I can’t reach can you cut this one… lol
- Tex screw the back to the wall
- Tex screw back wall in.
- I didn’t make much mess…
- Since the house has been repiled we noted that this part of the floor is uneven so out came the self leveling laser level.
- Base done.
- ummm!
- Fridge section sealed and painted.
- Fridge, freezer back in place, one set of shelves done.
- Following weekend… paint the darn thing… uh as bad as sanding. Just the top board and doors as well as the corner for the gibb edge. The fridge space should be able to take the average size fridge…