Weekly Projects.

For those that have been asking will I do weekly projects? The simple answer to that is no. I simply do not have enough time with full time job, my other hobbies, and well room in my basement to have more than one project at a time on the go. Social life (not that my partner and I have much of a social life…

Most of my projects have come into existence because of a need, and some take longer than a week to build. ie the coffin, speakers and blanket box etc… And while I have a list as long as my left arm some of these projects are house DIY projects ie; some cupboards for the kitchen.

However I do plan on spending more time in the shop (whether that eventuates or not is another story) and making some more smaller simpler projects that anyone can make with basic tools. Which hopefully means more regular with the projects but there will be no schedule, no time table (sorry) I take my hat off to those that do bring out a weekly project and then video it, edit it, and all that… the time and effort to do all that weekly would drive me insane (well more than normal).

The other thing I do plan on is making the posts more tutorial in manner showing and writing more of how something was done rather than just photo and a quick sentence under it… (Though please read the disclaimer at the bottom of this page) and hopefully more actual plans.

The plans is a complicated thing as 9 times of 10 I don’t have any plans until the project is finished… If it is simple then I will quickly go a draw some up and upload…

Anyway stay tuned and go make something.
