Water proofing the bar!!!

Water proofing the bar which is under a deck is a lot harder than one thinks. One has to remember that it was not designed to be water proofed in the first place else it would have been designed differently. Also water has a way of going where you don’t really want it to.

I have had to redo part of my “stage one”, and will have to put more silicon I have added builders paper to catch any drips and try to route the water the way I want it to go and stopping it from going where it wants to go. But water has a habit of not following the rules and goes the easiest route down and out.

Anyway as I have stated before, this project over all has made me think out side the square to get it to work, hopefully will do the job on this section, only time will tell and the next down pour. More silicon I say more…

Sorry I have not got any pictures but in reality there is nothing new to see However this is a picture of stage one in the works…