Southern Fire Protection

Southern Fire Protection will be moving in to new office area in the new year. Contract builders have put in hanging ceiling and done a few other things already. Ken asked if I could help do a few other minor alterations and fix ups around the place, and of course help paint the place when all done and finished. Me being the sucker that I am and Ken being such the good friend that he is, I of course I said yes, no problem what so ever.

Anyway they are only small alterations and fix ups the contract builders did most of the other stuff already.

Ripping length

Get the boss to earn his keep. Ripping the lengths with the circular saw.

cross cutting

Get the boss to really earn his keep.

Jig sawing to fit.

Me earning my keep. Cutting the odd shaped ends of top plate to fit with jigsaw

Blocking to make fit

Ok stop block, all different lengths..

Stop blocks done

Stop blocks done

all blocks cut

Front support blocks, and stop blocks done, all different. Secured to top plate. Back support blocks also all different… what a mission.

It fits...

It fits… My wonderful measuring & jigsaw cutting skills and considering nothing is square in the building we did well

Top plate on.

Top plate on. (Dry run) perfect.

2nd one...

Oh did we mention it is now rinse and repeat.

Drop saw

Wish I had this much space in my basement… it was good. Oh get some work done.

Cross cutting more stop blocks

Cross cutting more stop blocks

Done. Dry run it fits.

Done. Dry run it fits.


Cutting more blocks to rip for back support blocks… Ummm it dusty… I did say don’t stand there.

Back supports

Back support blocks ripped and stop blocks screwed to face plate.


Clamp front support blocks to face plate and tex screw it on

Boss its your turn...

Boss its your turn…

End stop blocks secured to wall

End stop blocks secured to wall

Screw complete boxing down.

Screw complete boxing down.

Office one done...

Office one done… notice the uneven floor. We may plane the ends down a bit to make the centre drop in void.

Office two done

Office two done in half the time as we knew what to cut and how to secure it.

The boxing now covers the horrible loong chipped and uneven concrete ledge. Just needs a sand and a paint and it will be like a bought one and tidy the place up.

I actually knew this would take a while as there was a lot of fiddly cutting and adjusting and uneven ground to get it to look respectable.

First carefully take out the pane of glass in the window. Which we both carefully did.

remove glass

First carefully take out the pane of glass in the window.

When the boss says “it’s shit I don’t care…” and then hammers hole in the hardboard and rips wall cadding off… oh of course I had to join in on that fun… destruction instead of construction oh the fun of it all.

cut door way

Get circular saw and cut off the dwangs. Hand saw to cut the bottom plate, again both did… and…

Door way

… you are left with a door way. Now just need to put door frame and hang door.. but that is another day.