- Tooline 256 Table saw
- Tooline 256 Table saw
- Tooline Scroll Saw
- Then rinse and repeat
- Assembled by the drill press.
- Free marine ply from the neighbour… free is good…
- Round drain pipe had to make the hole bigger than I wanted else I couldn’t get the sheet in due to the angle of pipe etc 🙁 nothing that can not be covered or blocked later on.
- primer coat (Click image to see what it use to look like)
- paint the ole coal range support and now new fire…
- Oh the wood came from there, the next part to do…
- Frame to piles and make even… Nothing structural required.
- Under window, notice the dwang position.
- Framed evenly to fit.
- Anyway the next pour is that lower deck patio. Then ready to build lower deck.
- Not exactly 100% how we are going to do the next bit. As we have to probably put in a small retaining wall… but it will be a small step up due to the pile depths etc … but will keep you all informed.
- Ramp down front stairs
- Nice level ramp into the basement.
- Switch on and turn around and be amazed… oh…I still have a bit of digging to do. Sigh!
- Ready for boxing
- All leveled and ready for concrete. Still a pity I can’t really do anything about them piles… YET. ($$$) not enough of it. However once the floor is in I am not sure what I am going to do as I won’t know my own shop… lol
- small trench dug… filled with stones to drain an excess rain water that does get in.
- small trench dug… filled with stones to drain an excess rain water that does get in.
- Set laser level semi level enough so the self leveling works and at the rough height required.
- And has been removed ready to start the boxing for the concrete floor some time in the near future.
- where’s me table saw gone…?
- oh is that where my spanner went… :-\ lol.
- The old work bench that was there when we bought the hose.
- This bench was made out what wood was about the place just after we bought it… All this will be redone when the retaining wall and concrete floor is done. Then it will be all semi sorta level.
- Showing the un even floor
- Working on uneven ground and old pile stump and what ever wood I have laying around.
- Main Work Bench
- Main bench converted over to french cleat.
- Peg board rehung on the cleat as is the battery charger.
- Where the small clamp rack use to be, the drill bit shelf is now also hanging off a cleat. (Drill press has been moved above on bench.) Also has room for something else to be hung of the same cleat. Over all the french cleat is very versitile, and I believe I have made the right decision to use it over other systems. Once the rest of the basement is done, I will most likely use the french cleat system through out.
- With the 1100mm lengths joint ensure flush and square. flip over and repeat.
- Yah, you now have 4 lumps of wood joined. Now repeat with the other legs and end
- Stand on all fours… man that is stable…
- Add a bit of 1220 x 600 x 18mm ply to the top… ‘villa’ a work bench… but it is not finished yet.
- Main vice installed
- It now sits at the end of work bench. Fence is easily removed and the top is flush with bench increasing the work area..