While the table so does come with a vacuum port, and does catch most of the dust it doesn’t catch it all and a good 10%-20% falls to the floor underneath the saw. So I decided I need to catch more of the dust.

Trace shape.

Cut out sharp with band saw or jig saw. (In my case at this time jig saw.)

Drill out pilot holes

Cut out with jig saw.

End pieces.

Better make sure it fits.

The chute

Use rotary tool with cutting blade and an old vacuum cleaner hose fitting cut to fit.

Hot glue chute and hose fitting to help with making a vacuum.


Connect to vacuum. Actually the photo is not the best angle on the lower blast gate there are two hoses coming into it, one from the chute and one from the main port. All I have to do now is tidy it all up. Seems to work so far… 🙂