Online Services/Software

The most straightforward approach is to simply dive in and start typing.



Click here to see full software list.

  • Laser Cutter/Engraver: Lightburn & Lightbox
  • Video Editing: DaVanici Resolve 18.5. (I no longer use HitFilm since they went down the subscription model. However I still have my last paid version).
  • Music: FL Studio Signature Image-Line FL Studio 21 (All plug-in’s)
  • Graphics: Affinity Designer Affinity Photo and Affinity Publisher, CorelDraw, CorelPaint
  • DataSolutions: FileMaker 19.5
    I also still use FileMaker Pro Advance 18, FileMaker Pro Advance 11, FileMaker Pro 5.5 for various reasons.
  • Office: MS Office 365 & LibreOffice 7.3
    I continue to use LibreOffice for documents still in their format, and I’ve recently started using MS Office since my partner obtained it, and we can install it on up to 5 computers at any one time.

For more in depth information on software usage here

If you have any other questions, feel free to ask!