The plan, to cut a bit of Rimu to 270mm by 70mm, mitre one end at 45 degree and at the other end at same angle drill a 32mm hole. All was fine till I came to that last bit … I will explain why it failed further on… However I did always say I will show my fails, and here is one of them.
So we start with…

Rimu to 270mm… check

rip to 70mm… check

Mitre one end to 45 degree… Check

Drill opposite end at same angle of 45 degree a 32mm hole… FAIL
What I noticed straight away was the movement between the drill and attachment press. I thought ok that needs tightening… check… retry… no, the bit wondered just the same… This is a sign… oh dear, time for an upgrade to my wanted drill press. This one has served me well and considering the other half paid $7 or so for it it still works and is perfect for many other things… but it doesn’t like this type of drill in angles with a forsner bit… hmmmm
I may try this by hand if I have
big enough bit for the brace. but I don’t think I do. (Quick look The biggest hand bit I have for the brace and bit is 1″ so that not going to work.)
One awkward option would be to anngle the plate on the scroll saw and try that… but I don’t think that would work either.
I need a bourbon…
I had a play around with some srap wood, drill press and scroll saw, and made for a bourbon bottle. (wine bottle the stem would have to be longer to counter weight.